So it turns out, we will not start cycling at the end of June....
Remember back in August when I was contemplating whether or not we should put off IVF and visit DH's parents? Well recently, DH had been bringing the idea up again, or rather, trying to see if there was any way that we can do both this summer. Particularly because both of his parents are not in great health right now, and as he hasn't seen them in over 3 years (and I have yet to meet them in person).
Last week, we found out DH's dad has a prostate tumor, and will be getting a biopsy this week. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, we are going to fly out there to be with them through the operation and to help them out. We'll be leaving pretty much as soon as school gets out in a few weeks, and will be there about a month. So this past week has been full of hectic planning and trying to get our emergency passports and visas.
I'm excited that this will be my very first time out of the country, and that I finally will get to meet DH's family. But the circumstances just suck. I wish this didn't have to be the reason we were going.
DH is determined that we will be able to still do IVF after we come back. I'm hoping we can....we had all the money saved for the procedure, and have somebody who was going to be helping us out with the cost of meds and having something for back-up. But this trip is taking a good chunk out of our savings of course.
On the one hand, I can't bear to think of waiting any longer. But on the other hand, I'm still trying to be as realistic as I can about this.
In the meantime, IVF-wise, we'll still procede as if it will happen. I called the RE to see if we can do the SHG before we leave. I should be getting AF this week, so he says to start my last pack of BC on the 3rd day, then call to schedule the SHG 2 weeks later. And when I come in, let him know how long I'll be gone. He says "I can go ahead and start you on Lupron, and I can manipulate your cycle any way I need to."
Boy that sounds scary...